Lots of news to report. First the newborn shoot on Saturday - I think it was a very learning experience for myself, and has resulted in some useful shots, like the one above. I was using two speedlights set up remotely from the camera, and triggering with an IR transmitter. While it worked OK, I definitely need a shoot-through umbrella to light the scene well - bouncing off the walls and ceiling wasn't getting the nice catchlight effect in the eyes. This shot was actually taken without the flash at high iso. Cute, and hopefully it will draw in some business.
Second, Saturday night was also the night of Tricia Ratliff's artist jam. Trish is a good friend of mine from many years ago in the technical world. We just happened to run into each other over the summer to reconnect, and coincidentally found out that she had left the corporate world and was working as a full-time oil painter. She periodically has invited artist friends to her place, and did so on Saturday night. While it was a bit strange being an odd duck (the only photographer among oil painters), I made some good connections, especially with an artist friend of Trish's who is also a watch collector. She (Cindy Smith) wrote this up on her blog
Then, Sunday, I got a request from a neighbor to do a short-notice shoot of a wedding (this Sunday). I'm obviously excited, as this will really be my first commercial shoot.
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