("Blue Ridge Abstract" Copyright ©2005 Edward Hahn All Rights Reserved)
Well, everyone needs a website these days, right? I've been working mine over pretty heavily the last couple of days, and am at a point where I don't mind people looking at it. So, without further ado.
This brings up a huge dilemma, though, for photographers. Given that anything that's on the net can be easily lifted, many photographers go to significant pains to prevent unauthorized use. And that's reasonable, since the image is the photographer's livelihood. But at the same time, does it really help sell yourself if you put huge watermarks onto images? Or potentially worse, use a Flash-based navigation system that, while it prevents simply right-clicking to save the image, makes navigation fussy and still doesn't really protect you (since anyone can simply take a screenshot)?
Other philosophical issues I'm wrestling with is uploading of tiny, degraded, low-resolution images. It seems to me that anything fuzzy enough to prevent casual use can hardly showcase your skills as a photographer.
So, until I resolve these issues in my head, I'm going to try to avoid these steps at this point.
(Hoist by my own petard! The first time I posted this, I forgot that I had enabled "no direct linking" on the gallery where the photo was hosted! I got a nice "Direct Linking Denied" message!)
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