I'm pleased to announce that I've been accepted into another show at the Delaplaine Visual Arts and Education Center in Frederick, MD - the 2010 Juried Photography Show, in the "Professional" artist category.
The juror for this show is J.D. Talasek, Director of Exhibitions and Cultural Programs at the National Academy of Sciences.
The Professional Exhibition runs from 2-31 October 2010, with an opening reception this Saturday 2 October from 3-5pm. I'd love to see you if you can make it. More about the Delaplaine can be found at:
The Delaplaine Visual Arts and Education Center, 40 S. Carroll St, Frederick, MD
I also had an opportunity to take some photographs at the Dulles Day event this past Saturday, 25 September. Since I was helping set up, I got a chance to walk around before the event officially opened. Here's a few snapshots.
I see I've been quite remiss about updating this blog. I had another show that never got mentioned: The 2010 Regional Juried Exhibition, also at the Delaplaine. This was an all-media show, and I was fortunate to not only get two photographs in, but placed 3rd overall with my photograph "The Deck".
Speaking of "The Deck", it was also favorably received at the Chelsea Fine Art Competition in New York in August. The show was quite impressive, and I was honored and humbled to be part of that show. I even got a mention on a blog.
Finally...as I hinted at above, I've made some changes in my life...I've gone back to work as an engineer. The cold facts were that no business was coming in. It was a tough decision to go back to work, but I have no regrets in taking the time to try it out. I lay the failure at my own feet mostly - I really had no idea what I should have been doing to promote my business, but I clearly didn't do enough of it. That said, the business climate for photographers has been absolutely brutal the last two years - I don't know any freelance pros who aren't hurting for customers. There are whole segments of the profession where it's very difficult to make a living at anymore- segments which were comfortable not too long ago.
Anyway, I'm not giving up photography - I'll still do it on the side, and I'll keep updating the blog as well.